Home > Musings > Babies of the World

I LOVE the cultural and racial diversity of the mamas I am serving now. Before the birth center my clients were mostly white Americans and only a handful of black Americans. Currently I’m working with moms from Russia, Hungary, Serbia, China, Peru, and Germany. Last year I attended mamas from Brazil, Kenya, Albania and Yemen. Actually, the mama from Albania was American and her husband is Albanian but they live in Albania. She began her care with me via email for her first 5 months of pregnancy and then came back to the US for some educational credits that she needed. She finished up her prenatal care and had her baby at the birth center. It was my first time doing long distance prenatal visits. Their lovely family is back in Albania and send me occasional photos and updates. I began practicing midwifery before the Internet was such a major component of our lives and it’s just amazing how it’s brought the world closer together.