My first baby of the year was born this past weekend. She was due to deliver in December but baby decided on a January birthday. That’s okay because I had quite a busy December!
In 2011 I attended 96 births: 63 were my clients, and I assisted with 33 other births.
Of my 63 mamas: 13 were first time moms, 46 were having second or third or fourth babies, and 4 were having their 5th or higher baby. Four mamas were transported to the hospital during labor: they were each first time moms and each of them achieved a vaginal delivery. None of my clients had a cesarean section this year!
Fourteen of these mamas were women I had attended before. It is such an honor to be asked to serve a family for a second or third or even a 6th time! I enjoy being invited to take part in one of the most significant days of their lives and I even feel like I’m part of their family. I stay in touch with many of them and look forward to receiving their holiday updates and photos of their growing children.
For all the mamas I attended last year, first time or sixth time, I thank you for trusting me and inviting me into your lives. It’s a blessing to know you and to be one of the first people to welcome your new baby into the world. I am awed by your strength and determination. You each teach me and make me a better midwife. Thank you!