I can’t believe I didn’t post at all last year! This might be why:
Here’s my stats for 2010. I went from 25 births a year to 74. I had not had a client have a c-section in 5 years but the increase in numbers bought the inevitable increase in transports.
74 Total Births
44 Primarys
29 Assists
1 Doula assist
Of the Primarys:
28 Birth Center births
16 Home births
13 Primiparas (first time mamas)
26 Multips (a woman who’s had more than one baby)
05 Grandmultips (a woman who’s had 5 or more babies)
6 Transports: 2 vaginal, 4 c-sections (1 breech, 1 FTP, 1 decels/nuchal cord, 1 placenta previa)
I love serving more woman in childbirth and give thanks for the opportunity to do so. It’s exhausting sometimes, stressful a lot of times, and amazing all of the time!