An abundance of choices have to be made while you are pregnant, while giving birth, and while you adjust to caring for a new baby – choices about what to buy for your newborn, what to eat and do during pregnancy, how to adjust to having a new baby in your home, and the list goes on. During your pregnancy, one of the main choices may be where to give birth– in a hospital or in your own home.
Many families in the Rock Hill, South Carolina area decide to give birth in their home. If you choose this option, I am here to support you. You may benefit from a home birth if:
- You want the one-on-one care provided by an experienced, skilled midwife who works with you to ensure a safe delivery.
- You want to stay in a familiar environment while you labor and deliver.
- You want to make choices during these processes that ensure you are as comfortable as possible.
- You want to choose who is present during the birth of your baby.
If you would like more information about having a home birth and if it is the right option for you, I am more than happy to help. Reach out to me at Birth Choice today to schedule your first appointment.