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WHAT to Expect from a Homebirth Midwife

Prenatal care

I am happy to offer a free initial consultation in person or by phone. Once we decide to work together prenatal visits will be scheduled:

  • Every 4 weeks through 28 weeks gestation
  • Every 2 weeks through 36 weeks gestation
  • Every week until baby’s birthday

During each of these visits we will discuss how to enjoy a healthy pregnancy, which includes nutritional counseling, suggestions for alleviating pregnancy discomforts, and your specific desires for the upcoming birth.

I will check your vitals signs and the baby’s position and listen to fetal heart tones to help us determine mother and child well being. I provide referrals for other services such as backup medical care, ultrasound, or childbirth education classes.

Support and care during labor

Continuity of care is one of the most important reasons to choose a midwife. We spend months getting to know one another and forming a relationship so by the time baby’s birthday arrives you have a familiar caregiver to attend you. I support the family from the beginning of labor until delivery and beyond.

I will monitor mom and baby’s well being in a respectful and unobtrusive way. Mom will always be encouraged to follow her body’s wisdom, including what she eats and drinks and how she labors and in what position she pushes.

Postpartum care

The hours immediately following birth is a special time. I closely monitor mother and baby and at the same time guard those first precious moments of bonding. I will check Mom and baby again 1 to 2 days after delivery, 1 week and 6 weeks postpartum and more as needed. I will also:

  • perform the newborn screening test for baby
  • complete and file the birth certificate
  • counsel and support mom with breastfeeding

If you must be transferred to a hospital during or after birth, I will accompany you and also provide postpartum care at your home if needed.