Home > Articles by: Damaris

Midwife-led Continuity of Care

This study did not include homebirths though it did focus on the model of care that almost every homebirth midwife follows–continuity of care. The benefits are clear: less pain medications, more spontaneous vaginal deliveries (meaning fewer births assisted by...

Building Bridges

The city street just outside my neighborhood has been under construction for 2 years now. The street used to be a quiet two-lane road leading to the highway that leads to the interstate. This street was very hilly with tall peaks and low dips—there aren’t many roads...

Safe Cesarean Prevention

My introduction to midwifery began, first, with my own natural deliveries with midwives, and then with my enthusiastic immersion into all things birth. During my second pregnancy I was asked to speak to a group that, at the time, was called Cesarean Prevention...

A Year that Asks

I’ve had this quote on my refrigerator for many years. The author wrote one of my favorite books.               This year asked A LOT of questions.  It is a year that I’m glad is over. It was cloudy and wet with rain & with tears. There were tough decisions and...

2012 Stats

Happy New Year! 2012 was full of joyous births, healthy babies and happy mamas. I don’t consider myself a numbers person. Math and I don’t get along. I’m embarrassed to admit I sometimes have to count on my fingers. However, I do find numerology...